So, in wondering what to do to wrap up my vacation/unemployment, I've decided to use the time wisely and have another life crisis. Do not think, for a moment, that this is a bad thing, it is just a thing.
Productively, The Academy For The Creative Child had moved closer to that obsessive vision that has been in my head for 2 decades to the start of a social network and webcast.
Because I am a strong advocate of project-based learning, I have developed the momentum to continue working on this CONCEPT via my motivating influences of Joseph Campbell on personal myths, Jean Shinoda Bolen through her lecture on transitions as Liminal and Archetypal Situations (thanks to Bela), Malcolm Gladwell's rah-rah of the extremes, and Daniel Pink's support of an inevitable world take-over by Cultural Creatives like myself.(See if you can identify my next readings from here.)
Putting my money where my mouth is, or, to put it in another way, hatching my Karmic Faberge eggs in a nest woven of silken internet webbing.
If you imagine it, they will come.