Okay. So we visited the Ballet. Interesting. We met and collaborated. We "chatted". I enjoyed the atmosphere and ambiance.I even saw a review of SL on Discovery HD no ref, but good reviews). Here're my thoughts:
1. I will not drink in a virtual bar. I think that SL mirrors the real world and bars really aren't always very fun or interesting. There are plenty of social places out there in the non-virtual world, some with really awesome music: I will always need these places to balance the time spent in front of a LCD.
2. Typing conversation is awkward. iChat is one thing, but for dialogue I want a face-to-face. And if I have a face, I want vocals. I think the day is coming though.
3. I like the 3D treatment ("builds") of concepts, ideas, environments. I find the complete absence of the organic disturbing. My cat finds it disturbing too.
4. I am as socially inept in SL as I am in person. Like I need more of that.
5. I have felt my brain stretching to encompass this new medium; the world is turning flat again- goodbye aplomb.
6. What I have seen and heard offered as arguments and suggestions for use still smell like a bottle of snake oil, but I will grant that there are some legitimate examples. Heck, I even found myself conjuring how I could apply the app myself in an educational setting.
7. Inevitably though, it is the future. Look at the research on kinesthetic gaming like the Wii platform (and Microsoft's version-Natal). "The times, they are a'changin'"
I think I'll like it better when I'm a hologram. I've always wanted to visit the arctic circle.
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